The Exchange of Genetic Material Between Non-sister Chromatids
Non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes Homologous chromosomes can exchange pieces with each other during a phenomenon called crossing over. Recall during prophase I homologous chromosomes line up in pairs gene-for-gene down their entire length forming a configuration with four chromatids known as a tetrad. 14 Chiasmus Chiasma In Genetics Is Thought To Be The Point Where Two Homologous Non Sister Chromatids Exchange Ge Genetics Conceptual Artwork Science Nature The generation of SCE is dependent on homologous recombination and is elevated in a number of circumstances including following. . The staining revealed that few segments were passed to the sister chromatid which were not dyed. Recombination between homologous chromosomes is completed by the end of pachytene leaving the chromosomes linked at the sites of crossing over. Sister chromatid exchange is the exchange of genetic material between two identical sister chromatids. ...